Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Home Sweet Home!

There she is!
Well, It's been a crazy 6 weeks, but we are settling in!  Since my last post, we have had our survey, made our purchase and brought our new "house" home, but not without incidence.  We were very excited after the closing, and couldn't wait to bring our new boat home!  Unfortunately, when we went to pick her up, there were problems with the motor and after a day of troubleshooting, we decided it was bad gas.  The next week we tried again...with external gas tanks, and we were off!  Unfortunately, there wasn't much wind, so it was a long motor home. We made it from Atlantic Highlands, around Sandy Hook, down the coast, into Manasquan Inlet, under the train bridge and the Brielle bridge, and through the Point Pleasant Canal.....well, almost through the canal!  About 100 yards from the end of the canal our fuel pump failed and there were a few minutes of OH NO!  But, thanks to a quick thinking Capt'n and crew (and a guy who jumped off the work barge to help us) we were able to secure the boat to the the side of the canal and fix it right up.   After settling into our slip at the marina, the to-do list began to grow, and it hasn't slowed down! 
At this point we are counting down to our closing on the house at the end of the month. Very exciting, and very scary. You don't realize how much stuff you have accumulated until it's time to scale down. It's actualy been pretty cathartic though.  I'm gonna keep plugging away and we'll see how the next few weeks go!